CODI Head Pastor
Rochester’s Oldest Spiritualist Church
Reverend Aloma Cason
Reverend Aloma Cason’s pathway to the Church of Divine Inspiration began when as a college student she attended her first service and met the Reverend Marion Lee Newbie. During that service Reverend Newbie spoke to her of the gifts God had given her as a child and how these gifts should be respected and used. The most important information Reverend Newbie gave her that evening was that she needed to learn how to use these gifts and use them in a highly spiritual manner.
Pastor, Healer, Medium, Teacher
In the early 1980’s her quest for spiritual understanding intensified and Reverend Cason returned to the church. She accepted the “Right Hand of Fellowship” in 1982 and officially became a part of the Church of Divine Inspiration Family. As a member she began to serve the church in various capacities including teaching Sunday School. This is where her strong commitment and sense of service to God and the church began to unfold. It was during this period that Reverend Newbie took Reverend Cason under her wing. Within a short period of time, Reverend Newbie invited her to join the Development classes she taught at the church.
Upon the recommendation of Reverend Newbie, Reverend Cason began to take and successfully complete the examinations given by the church’s national organization the General Assembly of Spiritualists. She became an Associate Minister, Licentiate Minister and finally was Ordained in November 1988. On August 17, 1990 Reverend Newbie passed to the higher side of life. Through a vote of the Board of Directors of the church, Reverend Cason was appointed the pastor of the Church of Divine Inspiration on August 20, 1990. Rev. Cason has worked diligently to establish a strong link between the church and the Rochester community by participating on committees and in religious organizations. This represents a continuation of Reverend Newbie’s effort to instill within the broader community that “many roads lead to the same God, and Spiritualism is one of the pathways.”
Reverend Cason and the church began to address the issue of hunger in the Rochester community by establishing a food cupboard in the church. In the continuation of their social justice outreach the church began to collect food and clothing for distribution to those in need. Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets have been provided for many years.
Reverend Cason has always been a champion of children and has recognized that the effective education of youth depends on the creation of positive relationships among church, home, school and community. Therefore, her range of community involvement has been wide and varied. In addition to her church responsibilities, she is currently the President of the General Assembly of Spiritualists and serves on numerous community boards. She is a member of the International Spiritualists Federation located in London England. Reverend Cason serves many churches as well as the Lily Dale Assembly and has served the Freeville Spiritualists Association in past years.
Reverend Cason’s skills combined with her strong commitment to serve God and others have resulted in her receiving numerous awards and recognitions.

Some people just make you feel better when you are around them. They are like sunshine to your soul and medicine to your mind.