Since 1923
Welcome to The Church of Divine Inspiration
Rochester’s Oldest Spiritualist Church

CODI Has A Great History …
In the early part of the Twentieth Century, the state of New York was a major participant and contributor in the history of the Spiritualist movement. This spiritual movement, many regard as the most important in the history of the world, since the movement of the early Christian church.
On November 14, 1849, the Spiritualists held their first meeting at the Corinthian Hall in Rochester, New York. It was there that a communication was received that “the Spiritualist movement was to unite humankind and to convince skeptical minds of the immortality of the soul. One of the ultimate results of this movement will be to unite religion upon a common basis – the manifestation of “God’s Truth”.
It was out of this genesis that the Church of Divine Inspiration was born on May 7, 1923. The Church was chartered through the General Assembly of Spiritualists on May 7, 1923. It is through the efforts of our founder Rev. Harrs and others who followed her in their service to the church, that the Church of Divine Inspiration continues to manifest the fruits of the spirit as promised in the scriptures.
“If you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer.
If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow.”
Love, Light, Healing
“Then the woman seeing that she was detected, came trembling and fell at His feet. In the presence of the multitude, she explained why she had touched Him and how she had been cured instantly. Jesus said to her, “daughter your faith has healed you. Go in Peace.” (Luke 8:43-49).